The fire alarm system mechanism, installation, and maintenance can be learned by any individual using the nicet study guide and become a professional fire alarm technician. The study guide has many questions related to the technical and theoretical explanations about the fire alarm system and complete details about the mechanism. The referencing of the study guide is covering the topics and questions from the NFPA 72 2013, OSHA standards, NEC 2011 and other disciplines. There are explanations for each question mentioned in the study guide along with the information of the question and the section of code whether it is from NFPA, OSHA, and NEC. The study guide provides a complete explanation of each question and how the answer is derived is also mentioned. One of the benefits for the student is that there are multiple choice questions to answer which is the actual format for any nicet exam questions. Although, the questions asked are challenging which will surely make you ready and prepared for the examination. If the student prepares using the nicet study guide, he/ she will surely be confident enough while giving the examination as the study guide covers all the details and courses which the student should learn and understand for clearing the examination.
The study guide is useful for every individual who is preparing for the level I examination. There are study guides for level II examination also. One need not buy any other codebook for preparation. If one thoroughly studies from the niche study guide, he will surely crack the paper and will pass out easily. However, one need to be careful, the actual questions in the book and the questions in the question paper during the examination are not same but might be in a similar manner. One will surely get an idea about the types of questions asked in the examination. But, the study guide helps to understand how to learn and find answers and then lots of practicing will make difference and help the student to pass out the examination easily. Thus, practicing using the study guide is the punch line for passing the level I and also level II examination of the fire alarm system. Still, one has to be aware of the NFPA 72, NEC, OSHA, basic electronics, and basic first aid and electricity syllabus for passing the nicet exam for the fire alarm system.