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What are the kinds of board games

There are different kinds of board games which can be played. One can play board games which basically consist of 4 types. There are displace, space, race and chase games.


When you play tabletop games,  the race games are those where the players traverse through the track so that they finish the first. In space games, the players have to manipulate their pieces so as to either make connections, get the alignment or traverse the board. The chase games are those which have starting positions which are not symmetrical. In this the goals are similar to that of the pursued and the pursuer. The displacement games on the other hand are those where the players are symmetrically equipped and they need to capture as well as to eliminate the pieces by the other player.


There are also online board games and there are the tabletop versions of the game. These are based on if it is played using physical boards and pieces or paper and pencil as compared to using an online device such as a tablet, computer or phone.


The games can be either multiplayer board games or they can be individual ones. The multiplayer ones usually involve a lot of interactivity and players can interact and play with players from around the globe. There are also single player games. In which the player needs to advance levels on his or her own. There are also games where the player needs to play against the computer or the machine or the game as an opponent.


The players can either choose to play euro games or American style games. The difference between these are that these Eurogames or the German games have player interaction which are indirect as well as they have abstract physical components. These games are there to emphasize strategy. They do not have much importance on luck as well as conflict. They also lean towards themes that are more economic rather than military themes.


The American style games are those that involve drama, conflict as well as luck. Eurogames are also less abstract than perhaps a game of chess however they are more abstract when compared to war games. These also need more planning and thought rather than games such as trivial pursuit or Pictionary but they do not require that amount of planning and thought as compared to other kinds of strategy games like Go.

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